The dance between masculine and feminine energies are at the core of the New Earth and the New Time Energies on the Earth — as they are a core principle of creation.
The world we want to create and the shifts that are underway are essentially about balance, and only balanced consciousness can create balanced systems and solutions.
This is why it’s our 4th principle in neos·life.
Many adults who are aligned with the new energies on the planet, will recognise that one of the major themes in their path over the past 10 years+ has been healing and restoring balance to their mas & fem.
We are in a major energetic shift that is reconstellating how we operate as humans.
This is one reason why outer relationships between even very ‘conscious’ men and women have been so chaotic.
Any process of transition and transformation is a liquid state. It is constantly moving, reforming, possibly going from one extreme to the other, materialising and then dematerialising again.
It is best that the process has no outer interference, that the mind does not try to grasp anything.
What this can look like for instance, is men and women feeling pulled to deepen their opposite inner gender (e.g men becoming more feminine) and then getting out of balance, and then exploring more polarised roles like in the past (e.g women just being entirely in their feminine), and realising it doesn’t work either.
There is a lot to this subject, and I have been coaching people on it for 10 years. Most of us need a practice of deep healing, forgiveness, and re-unification of our inner masculine and feminine, before we can begin to really show up in the world as balanced healthy people.
It is something that a radical New Time Energy treatment like AuraTransformation can help tremendously with.
We also fully explore what it means to have higher functioning masculine and feminine energy in the Blueprint Activation and Mastery Keys Programs that I run and will be available soon in neos·academy.
I hope to see you in our online community and learning app, or in person in our village academy soon.
In love and community spirit,